Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My First Award :o)

How exciting! My first award! I would like to thank Politically Sweet for this fabulous award. She has started following me recently, and I've noticed she always gives me feedback on my posts. I love her blog because it isn't  like most of the other cute pink and green blogs you see out there. She has her own voice, and I salute her for that! You go girl for thinking outside of the box! Thank you! :o)

Moving on:

1) Who is your style icon?

Jackie O, Zooey Deschanel, "Blair Waldorf", and Audrey Hepburn.

2) What is your favorite socialite lit book?
I don't think I understand the question, I've never liked socialites or that way of living, but I am currently reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

3) Favorite party theme?

Definitely 80's!

4) Favorite Halloween costume?
My teen size sailor girl costume I wore the Halloween of my freshman year in college.

5) Extravagance you can't live without?
My $200 Tory Burch sandals, you may think they're pretty cheap, but not me!! $200 is a lot, and I plan on getting my money's worth!

6) Living person you admire?
My Mom.

7) Greatest fear?
Clowns, Ebola, breaking/jamming my fingers, tornadoes, and sneezing while driving (what if I crash?!?!).

8) Trait you deplore in yourself?
I am very lazy.

9) Which talent would you most like to have?
To be as flexible as I used to be when I was a young dancer.

10) Greatest achievement?
Finally letting myself fall in love.

I pass this tag along to: Vive La Vie; my fabulous little cousin ;o)

1 comment:

Politically Sweet said...

you're an absolute doll. thanks for the sweet remarks :-)